So, I have what you may refer to as... um... unique???, yeah we'll go with that... unique taste and ideas when it comes to dressing and decorating for special occasions. I love sparkle and things that are a bit different. If I were planning an over the top wedding, here are some of the ideas I had...

Here are some ideas I had for the Bridesmaids. I like the idea of going totally against tradition and having them wear a sequin pants jumper or to be a bit more traditional - have them wear a dress but sparkle galore!
I know not every one digs glitter - I get that... So my other thought was FEATHERS!!! I have been a big fan of feather boas and peacock feathers for a while. While doing some exploring on weddings, I came across two dresses that I immediately fell in love with. Check them out:

The first one I would wear if I was negative double zero, but it's still pretty hot! The other is just over the top fun! I can't imagine how heavy and awkward it would be to wear, however it is a show stopper!

Well, we can't forget to decorate the most important thing at a wedding, THE CAKE, right? I love this feathery looking cake, very unique and goes great with the theme - I just hope it tastes as good as it looks! :-)

Okay, now it's time to confess a deep, dark secret - something only those closest to me know... I am obsessed with tiaras. If it were socially acceptable, I would totally wear one every day. They make me feel important and special. I used to wear one every year on my birthday, however, since I turned 30, I felt too old to wear them. But because I am showing you my over the top wedding ideas, I had to include them.
So, truth be told, I don't have an unlimited budget and what's really important that we have a smaller, intimate gathering of all those we care about. We want everyone to be comfortable (including us! :-) and have a good time. Honestly, I don't need or really want all that other stuff. I think I may come to regret it when I'm 80 if I go too over the top. As long as Joe's there, waiting for me at the end of the aisle, the other stuff doesn't really matter.
(go ahead and let the teasing begin for that last sentence ;-)
I love it ALL Michelle!!! And you're never too old for tiaras! As long as we're confessing secrets, Erin and I put on my wedding dress and my bridesmaid dress from Matt's wedding when we were packing up my house. Thaaaaat's right. I hope you're having tons of fun with the planning!!!