I decided to try to start writing reviews of the movies I see... it's my blog, so why not?
Last night, my very sweet boyfriend offered to take me to see Burlesque - he had no desire to see it but knew I wanted to - what a guy!
Burlesque was pretty stereotypical - poor, young lady trying to get of her small town and make it big. I wasn't a fan of the opening part - pretty cheesy (and for those of you who know me, I enjoy a little cheese in my movies, but this was over the top, even for me). The young girl finds a burlesque shop on one of her first days, enters in, falls in love with the dancing and music, and wants to work there. Cher (owner of the club) won't really listen to her or give her a job, so Christina decides to wait the tables on her own. The bar tender digs her, so he lets her continue and she starts working there. Eventually Xtina is allowed to start dancing in the shows, only because Julianne Hough gets knocked up. Mean Kristen Bell doesn't like that everyone loves Xtina so much and tries to sabotage her show, but only makes her more in demand as she starts singing all the songs instead of lip syncing... The club is in financial hardship, but Cher doesn't want to sell to McSteamy... McSteamy digs Xtina, they hang out every once and a while, much to the dismay of the bar tender/roommate/Twilight guy. However, the bar tender/roommate/Twilight is engaged, but likes Xtina. He and his fiancé break up over the phone (she's in New York). So he and Xtina get it on that night and continue to. Fiancé shows up, says all these mean things about Xtina, she leaves, goes to Stanley Tudcci's (i have no idea how to spell his last name), some dude answers, he lets her in, she then gets a call from McSteamy, to whom she goes to. Twilight dude comes looking for her, she's gone, but Stanley Tucci realizes he's going to stop having one night stands and asks that dude to lunch. Xtina goes to McSteamy's and realizes he is going to build a 20 story building with windows where the Burlesque building is because it's the "best view on the Sunset Strip". Xtina figures out how to save the club, she makes up with vampire dude... all is good at Burlesque.
The movie was fun, but it was no Chicago or Rent (:-) by any means. My favorite parts were that Alan Cumming was in it and they had super sparkly, glittery, pearly, feathery costumes. Xtina's hair and weird chicken legs along with Cher's non-moving face were the worst parts. At one point, Cher was supposed to be crying and really upset, and you could hardly tell because her face didn't move!
I give the movie a C+. Plus only because of Alan Cumming and the glitter. :-)
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